Thursday, March 3, 2011

Aspiring Author and Collector of Interesting Facts

I'm thinking that, with the news I received yesterday, that the little description of me above can perhaps now read like this:

Aspiring Author and Collector of Interesting Facts

I say this because I got an email yesterday afternoon that included the following sentence from an editor to whom I had submitted my novellette, The Tree:

"We enjoyed it and would like to publish it in TOLD YOU SO."

I'm feeling on top of the world with this news; it's like the culmination of years of dreams, and it's an excitement that I must admit I have rarely felt in my life.  If you are imagining me rushing to read and fill out the contract they sent me that will permit them to print my story in their anthology, you would be very close to the mark.

First phone call went to my girlfriend.  Second one to my mother.  Then Facebook and Twitter found out.  Yes, safe to say excitement was the word of the day.  I've gotten a ton of encouragement that has managed to help me get to this place, from the two women mentioned in this paragraph chief among them, and also from my good friend and award-winning author Kevin Breaux (whose first book, Soul Born, I will be posting a review of shortly...I finished it a few days ago and have been digesting my thoughts on it), among many others along the way.

Certainly, I still have to work very hard to keep this from being the only success I ever have as a writer, but my hope is that this starts the snowball rolling down the hill, and that by the time it reaches the ditch it could be used for the base of a very large snowman.

The Tree will be printed by Pill Hill Press in their conspiracy anthology Told You So later this year.  I will, of course, be crowing about it with more information as soon as I can!


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