Haven't posted since April, and this is just as short one with more coming soon.
Lots of good stuff happening for me. I have a major function to go to today...my engagement party. Wedding will be next year but a big South Asian-style engagement party today. She hasn't even seen the ring yet, though she's chomping at the bit for it.
Publication for "The Tree" in the anthology Told You So is getting closer and closer. The editor says it goes to the printer on August 5...that's less than two weeks away. They sent me the galley proof so I could check the copy for my story, and I was so proud to see that "The Tree" was placed first the book!
During all of this, I'm melting in my apartment in the heatwave hitting Toronto. I kinda feel like this, but without the ghosts flying around:
It was hotter than internal human body temperature two days ago. This will be my last summer without AC...I vow this on the bones of my ancestors!
On that note, happiness, love and peace, everyone!